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Coco Fusco is an interdisciplinary artist and writer. She is a recipient of a 2021 American Academy of Arts and Letters Arts Award, a 2021 Latinx Artist Fellowship, a 2018 Rabkin Prize for Art Criticism, a 2016 Greenfield Prize, a 2014 Cintas Fellowship, a 2013 Guggenheim Fellowship, a 2013 Absolut Art Writing Award, a 2013 Fulbright Fellowship, a 2012 US Artists Fellowship and a 2003 Herb Alpert Award in the Arts. Fusco's performances and videos have been presented in the 56th Venice Biennale, Frieze Special Projects, Basel Unlimited, three Whitney Biennials (2022, 2008, and 1993), and several other international exhibitions. Her works are in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, The Art Institute of Chicago, The Whitney Museum, The Walker Art Center, the Centre Pompidou, the Imperial War Museum, and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona. She is represented by Alexander Gray Associates in New York. She is a Professor of Art at Cooper Union. 

Fusco is the author of Dangerous Moves: Performance and Politics in Cuba (2015). She is also the author of English is Broken Here: Notes on Cultural Fusion in the Americas (1995) The Bodies that Were Not Ours and Other Writings (2001), and A Field Guide for Female Interrogators (2008). She is the editor of Corpus Delecti: Performance Art of the Americas (1999) and Only Skin Deep: Changing Visions of the American Self (2003). She contributes regularly to The New York Review of Books and numerous art publications. 

Fusco received her B.A. in Semiotics from Brown University (1982), her M.A. in Modern Thought and Literature from Stanford University (1985) and her Ph.D. in Art and Visual Culture from Middlesex University (2007).


Coco Fusco es artista interdisciplinar y escritora. Ha recibido el Premio de las Artes 2021 de la Academia Estadounidense de las Artes y las Letras, la Beca Latinx Artist 2021, el Premio Rabkin de Crítica de Arte 2018, el Premio Greenfield 2016, la Beca Cintas 2014, la Beca Guggenheim 2013, el Premio Absolut Art Writing 2013, la Beca Fulbright 2013, la Beca US Artists 2012 y el Premio Herb Alpert de las Artes 2003. Las performances y vídeos de Fusco se han presentado en la 56ª Bienal de Venecia, Frieze Special Projects, Basel Unlimited, tres Bienales del Whitney (2022, 2008 y 1993) y varias otras exposiciones internacionales. Sus obras forman parte de las colecciones permanentes del Museo de Arte Moderno, el Instituto de Arte de Chicago, el Museo Whitney, el Walker Art Center, el Centro Pompidou, el Museo Imperial de la Guerra y el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona. Está representada por Alexander Gray Associates en Nueva York. Es profesora de arte en Cooper Union. 

Fusco es autora de Dangerous Moves: Performance and Politics in Cuba (2015). También es autora de English is Broken Here: Notes on Cultural Fusion in the Americas (1995), The Bodies that Were Not Ours and Other Writings (2001) y A Field Guide for Female Interrogators (2008). Es editora de Corpus Delecti: Performance Art of the Americas (1999) y Only Skin Deep: Changing Visions of the American Self (2003). Colabora regularmente con The New York Review of Books y numerosas publicaciones de arte. 

Fusco es licenciada en Semiótica por la Universidad de Brown (1982), máster en Pensamiento Moderno y Literatura por la Universidad de Stanford (1985) y doctora en Arte y Cultura Visual por la Universidad de Middlesex (2007).